• Scuba Explorer

Scuba Explorer

SSI Explorers takes kid’s diving to a whole new level. Combined with the guidance and supervision of qualified SSI Explorers Instructors, this program includes a comprehensive printed Explorers manual to help your child learn the knowledge and skills they need to safely participate in snorkeling, mermaid, freediving, and scuba in a pool or confined water environment. The manual is very engaging, with colorful cartoon drawings and authentic ocean images for this young audience.

The SSI Explorers materials start by introducing your children to the importance of protecting and preserving the world’s oceans by becoming a Blue Oceans Explorer. They learn why the oceans are important, about the world’s five oceans, and what they can do to help protect the oceans.

Your young explorer can then move on to learn about snorkel equipment and snorkeling in a confined water environment and earn their Snorkel Explorer rating. Finally students will move into Scuba Explorers Rating. 


This class includes 4 sessions, mask, fins and snorkel package, manual and rental gear included as well!

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

Advanced Explorer

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